Thursday, April 23, 2009

Rhino Teeth

***drum roll please****  

A momentious day in the life of Christian today.  He got his braces off, WOOT WOOT! No more metal mouth for him, no siree. (I tried getting pictures but Rhino becomes agitated when the camera appears, LOL!)

Yes he will have to wear a retainer for about a year but heck that sucker can come out (like when you're eating and playing soccer and when you want to smooch with a girl......ewwww I didn't just say that!).

Seriously though, C is enjoying freedom of the teeth tonight for the first time in about of year...tomorrow though I pick up the retainer and it's back to the grind but for tonight, I'll leave you in the words of the Rhino....

"I'm soooo going to enjoy eating cheese again!"

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Psssst a little something is happening

Tomorrow will be a big day for Rhino!  Just a teaser to keep you all in suspense.  Check back and see what lays ahead for big mouthed teenager.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Scheduling for tacos

Christian came home with his schedule picks for his sophomore year in high school the other day.  Of course, the parents have to approve and sign off of all the picks.  Boy, high school isn't what it was back in my day (as the hubby would say they do write with pencils now and not on rocks!).  Anywho, after much deliberation and talking with Christian, he's saw the light in working the booty off in the early years in high school so that senior year can be more relaxed (again that is if he's already been accepted to a college!).  

The only thing that is still plaguing Christian's mind is what extra language to take.  He has either Spanish or French to choose from or in his own words "it's either oui oui or *insert long pause here* taco".  Yes people this is my honor student, LOL! 

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Racier side of Rhino

Believe it or not there are other things than soccer that C loves to do (I know *gasp* right?, lol).  My dad got him into slot car racing a few years back, since this was something that my dad enjoyed as a child.  Needless to say they are now enjoying it together and it's actually peaked C's interest in another career, other than design.  

Bonus of all this is he loves to put the models together and re-design them, figure out how to piece the motor together and to paint the car too and without his knowledge he's using all those wonderful tools that's being taught to him in school (shssss, please don't tell  it'll really spoil it)!  Bonus 2, my dad and him get to spend some quality time together and about every Sunday during the winter season they pack up their gear and off they go to do their drag racing for the day.  Bonus 3, I love to see the excitement in his eyes when he walks in the door after the day of racing and hear about their day!

Their racing season ended last Sunday and both my dad and C came home winners (but we already knew that!).  Needless to say their pesky little brains are already planning for next season! 
