Thursday, April 23, 2009

Rhino Teeth

***drum roll please****  

A momentious day in the life of Christian today.  He got his braces off, WOOT WOOT! No more metal mouth for him, no siree. (I tried getting pictures but Rhino becomes agitated when the camera appears, LOL!)

Yes he will have to wear a retainer for about a year but heck that sucker can come out (like when you're eating and playing soccer and when you want to smooch with a girl......ewwww I didn't just say that!).

Seriously though, C is enjoying freedom of the teeth tonight for the first time in about of year...tomorrow though I pick up the retainer and it's back to the grind but for tonight, I'll leave you in the words of the Rhino....

"I'm soooo going to enjoy eating cheese again!"

1 comment:

Queen of pink in a house of blue said...

ENOJOY your cheese!!;-)