Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Not Lost Just Playing Opossum

I know it’s been a long time since we’ve posted but as things here as normal as possible.  Christian has been doing his civil war re-enactment about every other weekend plus having soccer practice 2 to 3 times a week.  Soccer season doesn’t official start until next week and re-enactment will die down then so it’s all washing out.  I don’t know if Christian is as excited for soccer season as I am…..I just can’t wait to get back on those fields and root for our boys!!!


In other words, soccer season just might not happen either.  We just found out the Christian’s ankle that he previously injured isn’t “right” and we are more than likely (the orthopedic specialist is saying 100%) that he will be having surgery on it.  We go see a sub-specialist that just specializes in foot and ankle orthopedics the end of this month and see if she confirms this!  I’m hoping that we can talk her into letting him play out the season and then just to the surgery in October/November.  At this point he can’t do any more harm to his ankle so…….


Well stay tuned to see if the Rhino gets to charge the field…….or just gets to play opossum (or ride the pine) like here during a recent re-enactment.


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