Sunday, September 20, 2009

What has the Rhino been up to you ask?

Well the answer would be….what hasn’t he been up to!

Of course school is back into full swing and Rhino has a full class load this semester so that’s been keeping him busy. We’re learning French together…hahaha.  It’s comical in the household with Christian learning French and trying to teach his old mother, needless to say he hasn’t asked the teacher how to say some of the words that I REALLY want to know how to say (guess maybe he’s afraid to get kicked out of the class?).

soc Second, soccer season is full blown!  Unfortunately with Rhino’s ankle he’s not seeing to much field time…alot of riding the pine time…not too much play action.  But that’s ok, hopefully the upcoming surgery will make him stronger for next season and an added bonus to the team!

smile Third he’s still doing the Civil War Reenactment, infact as I type Rhino is on his way back from a weekend long event (which will be his last again due to his ankle surgery).  He had a living history day locally last weekend that I had the absolute pleasure in sticking around for.  One of the best days of my life and it was great to see Rhino smiling, enjoying himself, joking with the Pirates and all around having a good time!!

And fourth but of course not least Rhino is just being a teenager.  Driving us nuts with some attitude at times, texting away like crazy, counting down the days till he’s 16 (a lot of his friends have been turning the big 1-6 the last couple weeks!) and enjoying LIFE as he knows it!!  We continue to be amazed at all the wonderful things in life Christian has brought to us (even though there are times you just really want to sell him to the highest bidder or ship him off to a boot camp!!), we know we are truly blessed with our teenage rhino!!!

1 comment:

lisa said...

Glad Christian is enjoying his sophomore year!! Can't believe their turning 16!!