Friday, June 18, 2010

In the money!

Hello everyone!  Sorry for the long time no post but the Rhino household has been busy with the beginning of summer, end of Rhino’s Sophomore year of high school {which the grades weren’t as stellar as previous years}, beginning of Civil War re-enactment and *drum roll please* Rhino getting his first J-O-B!!

Yes Rhino has gotten a job with our local-6709

Today was his actual first day on the job and he really didn’t do anything but sit and watch videos BUT hey he does that at home and doesn’t get paid for it so…….

Needless to say Rhino is learning to adjust his schedule for work time now.  He’s going to be one busy child between working, soccer practice, still getting driving time in on his driver’s permit, Civil War, and just being a teenager.  Choices are being made and sometimes it’s not the choices he would like BUT they choices that have to be…..guess he truly is growing up!-6801

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