Sunday, March 01, 2009

10 more days till 15!

Yikes! The countdown has begun in the rhino household till Rhino's 15th birthday!  The shopping has begun (and ended), of course we can't disclose any information on what goodies we have instore for the Rhino since he just might stumble upon here himself (ahhh the parents are still sneakier than the child!).  I can say that the ONLY gift Rhino has asked for was a new soccer key chain and he's already received that and is infact using that as we speak (yes, Mom can be an ol' softie).

It's hard to believe that our baby is turning 15, when we are selves can remember our own 15th birthdays.  Stay tuned for what surprises we have entailed for the Rhino and muuuahhh what embarrassing acts we can create for him during school (oh I can see the psychiatric bill just racking up for him in his adulthood years, LOL!)


1 comment:

Queen of pink in a house of blue said...

looks like he will have lots of gifts coming his way! ENJOY C!!