Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Shackled by Pirates?

Rhino had an interesting weekend to say the least.  He got whipped by pirates for supposedly stealing their flag.


So being a thief he was shackled (the sign around his neck reads “Tic Tac Thief”)


and led among the crowd for over an hour for display and harassment then only to be SHOT to death (I’m being told he died well too!)


and of course then his comrades steal his shoes and socks and pick pocket him. But they did leave him with his pants on……lol!


and the best part of it all……………….he gets to do it again in two more weeks!

And if you get the opportunity to see the Lake Erie Pirates grab it by the horn and run with it.  These group of individuals are GREAT!

1 comment:

Queen of pink in a house of blue said...

that sounds like so much fun to watch...and participate in!