Sunday, November 09, 2008

A house full of teenagers...YIKES!

I think I need a day at the spa...oh wait let me rephrase that....I need a day at the spa, any spa, I'm not going to be picky!

Seriously, C and a bunch of his friends have been hanging out on Saturday nights, doing the normal "teenager things", eating pizza, watching movies, etc. Well last Saturday after picking him up from one of the girls house, I mentioned to C that he could have everyone over here......WHAT WAS I THINKING??

I did really enjoy the night. They were a great group of teenagers...a little loud at times but hey there's worse things they can be th
an loud! It was a mix of boys and girls and they just all hung out, devoured pizza, watched 2 movies, played some cards and Guitar Hero.

I think our cats have recovered and Ben is grateful for is lack of hearing but I on the other hand have realized how SMALL our house really is....we definitely need a good 1,000 square feet added on or a sound proof room, lol.


1 comment:

lisa said...

Looks like they had a good time! I wish Darren were more social...but hey. He had one friend over for a few hours Fri after school...progress...