We couldn't of asked for a better weekend for the end of October/beginning of November here in Northwestern Pennsylvania. The last week as been bitter cold with snow (I hate, hate, hate SNOW!!) but by Friday the weather had warmed up for all the trick-or-treaters and the weekend was just beautiful. Yes, this is the usual array of the up's and down's of fall weather in NW PA, one minute your shoveling your driveway and the next your sunbathing.
Anyhoo, I talked the boys into go for a walk in the woods at our local boro park on Saturday. I grew up going there to swim in the creek, see
baseball games, have taken C there from the time he was little to swim in the creek but I've never taken the time to walk the paths through the woods. Let alone I never knew most of them existed. We had a great time in our little jaunt, which we actually set out for to take more pictures of just C and I for my mother for Christmas because she will not like the ones of us in our PSU shirts (she's very hard to please so hopefully this will do the trick). I think we accomplished our goal as you can tell by these pictures!
C actually spotted this little waterfall from the path that we were walking on. We had make our way through the woods and prickers to get to this but way worth it! I'm thinking you'll be seeing more pictures from this spot!As usual, the boys had a great time egging each other on and then ganging up on me the whole time we were in the woods too! We can't go anywhere anymore without being a "normal" family. But then again, I love every minute of it (well maybe not when C and Ben decided
they want to see who can punch who the most in the stores.....argh!!) Speaking of normal, I talked Ben into posing for a few too at the waterfall BUT of course it had to be in our "normal" hubby and wifey way, lol, only us I swear!On Sunday, C was off to do his slot car racing with P.D. (Papa Dan) for the day and Ben decided it was time to play Clark Griswald! You see, Ben LOVES Christmas and decorating for Christmas. He starts looking in September in the stores for the Christmas lights, decorations, etc. We finally had to set rules as to when officially the Christmas lights could come on (the day after Thanksgiving) because again living
in NW PA, we decorate the outside with lights when hopefully it's a nicer day outside and our fingers aren't frozen together!! So hence today Ben became spidey and did the roof line to the house.
I'm telling you, my electric bill goes up by at least $15.00 a month during Christmas season and I swear the international space station can see my house when it's all lit up. Ben actually admitted today (when he was buying more lights!) that he'd cover the entire house with lights if he knew he wouldn't blow the breakers and/or need to add another line of service (nothing of this was never mentioned in the whole "till death do you part" deal *sigh*)! So I apologize to anyone that's partially blinded while driving by our house during the holiday season but DO NOT take on the responsibility.....it's all due to the hubby getting elbowed in the head to many times while playing basketball...yea that's it!
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