Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Catching up

Things in the household have calmed down in a sense.  We're not running around as much since soccer season is done and 6 of the 7 days of the week are not taken up with soccer.  I think C and I are both lost sometimes with having time to do whatever!  Ben on the other hand, I think is happy that the home cooked meals are back and we're not scrambling for left overs and take out so much.  I'm also thinking he's glad to have his wife back in the house hold (and the house back under control again) more often than not!

I'm still working the second job (note to remind myself to take a break during soccer season next year so my house doesn't explode!) and with the holiday season in full swing the mall hours are longer so hence my hours are longer but just think of all the male bonding time that C and Ben get to have (yea right, it's more along the lines of who can stink who out of the computer room with the farts!).

Snow and cold weather has settled in upon us, making me wonder why I still live here (I hate, hate snow).  But I'm trying to get through it with getting back to photography and I also have a photo buddy too (thanks Lisa!).  C has been over to a couple friends houses to hang out and sled ride, etc.  Hopefully we all can make it up to Aunt JoJo's house for our annual sledding competition to see who can make it the furthest and to see if anyone can finally make it out into the horse pasture (I'll promise to take pictures!!).

School is still going well for C.  The girlfriend is still illusive for him but there are some prospects in the future.  He's become more confident and "adult like".  I'm loving our conversations that we have.  He's always been my best friend but now he's really my best friend!!  You all might think it's funny but I'm trying to brace myself for the upcoming college days when he's not going to be around so much.  It's not that I haven't cut the apron strings, it's that I truly LOVE spending time and talking about life, social, music, history, reality, THINGS with C.  I love to hear his perspective on issues.  I guess all I can say is thank goodness for unlimited "in calling" and free nights and weekends!!


1 comment:

lisa said...

It's great that you and C are so close. Darren and I are only as close as D gets to anyone, well I'm closer, but you know what I mean.

Thanks to you too for being my photo buddy! Can't wait to do it again in the daylight!