Thursday, January 01, 2009

Ringing in the New Year

The Rhino and I took some candid shots prior to him taking off to go ring in the New Year at a friends house.  I couldn't resist being a goof ball here and you can absolutely tell that C LOVES his mother to death (actually I'm thinking he's wondering how fast he can book me into the psych ward at the local nursing home)  This was the first time that C took off to spend the New Year away from us and just hang with friends (again reality check that our boy is growing up, *sigh, sniff, sniff*).  Thank goodness for modern technology and we got to get out happy New Year wishes into each other via texting.

Ben and I, meanwhile stayed home and had a bunch of friends of for some poker, grown up drinks, and the ultimate....Rock Band time.  All in tale, we all had a good time bringing in 2009!

Now only to wait and see what 2009 beholds!



Queen of pink in a house of blue said...

sounds like a great time! grownup drinks...sound WONDERFUL! it was just me and the kiddos.

it's hard to believe they are old enough to not want to be with mom and dad on special days huh?!

lisa said...

Looks like a agood time was had by all!!